
(c.t.) Snacks grass slice cheese mint. Mint eggs grass mint-snacks. Snacks grass cherry grape slice cheese eggs quiche grass eggs. Tapioca, water-food grass zucchini snacks - tomato waterdough plantain carrot sourdough. Snacks grass SpiNAch Clam Slice.

Shrimp clam stirfry meat eggs grass snacks cucumber tongue-slice (tapioca "corn"), clam-grass plantain "snacks" (corn-snacks, spinach corn).

H  = Waterdough          W
He = Flambe              Fb
Li = Liver               L
Be = Berry               Be
B  = Bourbon             B
C  = Corn                C
N  = Warheaddough        Wh
O  = Sourdough           S
F  = Flour               F
Ne = Nougat              N
Na = Salt                Sa
Mg = Mango               Mg
Al = Almond              A
Si = Chips               Cp
P  = Peanut              P
S  = (Rotten-)eggs       X
Cl = Claret              Cl
Ar = Arugula             Ar
K  = Potato              Pt
Ca = Milk                M
Sc = Scallion            Sc
Ti = Tomato              To
V  = Vinegar             V
Cr = Crouton             Cr
Mn = Mandarin            Mn
Fe = Fruit               Fr
Co = Colby               Co
Ni = Nectar              Nc
Cu = Cucumber            Cu
Zn = Zucchini            Z
Ga = Chicken             Ch
Ge = Hamburger           Hm
As = Artichoke           At
Se = Mooncake / Salami
Br = Brownie / Broccoli
Kr = Crayfish / Supper

Au = Aurum
Nd = Nougat-twinberry
Pr = Limeberry-twinberry
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